To date we have yet to have a long term care insurance claim thru Mrs. LTC go to a law suit. But we have seen and heard of cases that have.

So we recommend whoever is wrangling this claim to the ground keep detailed notes of what they have done and to whom they have spoken as part of getting this LTCi claim paid. Long term care insurance policy carriers – you may be assured – are keeping detailed logs on their end. They even record calls (for “training purposes”) in an attempt to be sure they have adequate records of what happened in a case. You cannot afford to be any less lax in your record keeping.

Odds are if you do everything right [you know this! Get all your own documentation in and on time!], you won’t go to court. But since you can never know if you will be the odd duck out, it is wise to establish a habit of keeping a detailed log of all of your long term care insurance policy claim efforts.

We recommend that in your own claims log, you take detailed notes:

  • time/date,
  • activity done (fax, phone call, etc.),
  • fax or phone number called,
  • the name of the person to whom you spoke,
  • other information or outcome from the event.

This running, detailed log is legal evidence for you down the road if you need it. It has the added benefits of helping you keep straight what is done, what is yet to be done and who needs what information for the next follow up action.

Besides…since this can be a highly time consuming activity, you can provide it is evidence to any doubting family members that you re pulling your weight in this process of caring for parents and filing their long term care insurance claim!

Did we mention… Document Everything.




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