Stana Martin, PhD, founded Mrs LTC to provide a top-quality resource for folks who need help with long term care claims or insurance comparisons.
About Mrs. LTC
If you found this page…
You probably wonder who I am. Well, my name is Dr. Stana Martin. I earned my PhD at the University of Texas at Austin and taught for many years at various Universities.
For nearly 20 years, I have been in the long term care insurance arena. First one grandmother and then the next had a need for long term care services and so I left full time university teaching to help families better prepare for this time in life. As my clients aged and went on claim, it became clear that the claim process was more document intensive than most claimants could manage on their own. Further, I found that the adult children were typically swamped with managing the care itself. Few of them understood the process of a claim or had the energy to “wrangle” all the documents necessary to get a claim paying.
I would be the first to defend insurance companies’ need to do due diligence. Sadly, fraud is as rampant in this industry as it is in any industry. So the insurance companies must have a way to insure they are paying legitimate claims.
The family members or the claimants themselves where left a-swim in unfamiliar vocabulary, forms and processes.
The good news? The insurance works. Nothing smooths the care journey more than knowing there is a resource to cover some or all of the cost of care when the expenses roll in. Care is simply not cheap. It is literally thousands of dollars per month! Long term care insurance is the peace of mind families need.
Mrs. LTC exists to serve families as they face care and need help understanding the contract and/or filing the claim. My personal passion is to help families weather this season of life better. Helping people get the money they need from their policies is one more tool to meet that goal.
It is always our honor to be of service to you and your family.
Here are a few resources (in case you missed them):
BLOG – free: Blog Resource - Mrs. LTC (
BOOKS – low cost: Shop - Mrs. LTC (
Stana Martin, PhD
Mrs. LTC can serve as:
* A Simple Information Resource
Blog Articles on Insurance Claims and Policy Coverage
* A Consultant book a consultation to review a policy or to comparison shop for coverage.
* Be Contracted to Fully to manage a claim for you. BOOK APPOINTMENT
If you wish to have someone read the contract and answer questions for you.
A note from our founder
I blame my parents. They taught me to read, sent me to school, and told me that if I worked hard I could impact the world. Here I am all these mumblety-mumble years later with books written and a passion to help people do this "aging thing" with better planning in place.
If you find a sense of humour in my work, you can blame my Uncle. He thought all of life should come with a laugh. When I am not working for money, you will find me riding my bicycle, playing music, and gardening. Or napping. I really like napping....