Book a Consultation

Review Your Consultation Options Below

Question about a Claim?

A claim specialist can help you strategically use the policy. They can tell you what type of care the policy will (and will not) pay for, whether a claimant is medically eligible today, and give “insider tips” on how to avoid a denial. A conversation with one of our specialists can literally save you money on the claim’s deductible and/or keep you from common mistakes that will create more work and delay payment.

Shopping for coverage?

We can help you with quotes for both Traditional (“Stand Alone”) and Hybrid (“Asset based”) long term care plans. In order to prepare the quotes, you need to make choices on benefits, and we need some details to be accurate. Modern Privacy Rules prohibit this type of information being shared through email. A call will help determine your eligibility, as well as provide you with information about the plans; what they cover and what they cost.

Policy Review or Rate Increase Service

If you have a letter from your insurance company and have questions, or if you need someone to review your policy, our capable staff can help. Due to high demand for this expertise, we charge $150.00. Complete the form and payment by clicking the button below.